The lab has maintained a quote book for many years. Here are some favorites:
“Don’t make it too user friendly or the user gets stupid.” Chao Jiang (on image analysis)
“Stand back three feet and don’t make eye contact.” Pam Brown (on poster session strategy)
“If this plane crashes, they win.” Erkin Kuru (worried about getting scooped by a competitor)
“Black is the new pink, and Caulobacter is the new E. coli.” Dave Klein
“I’m like a Chinese Irishman!” Zhe Wan (on never saying no to a drink)
“I don’t know anything about Raman spectroscopy, but I’m ready to argue about it.” Patrick Curtis
“I’m too ADD for…um…like…yeah…you know…” Velocity Hughes (on completing sentences)
“June’s dark side is a butterfly with a frowny face.” Patrick Curtis
“Professors are such divas!” June Javens
“Your calculations were an order of magnitude off, and I unf***ed you.” Dave Kysela