Gallery Clonal cultures of Caulobacter in microarray with different buffers (Kysela) Confocal micrograph of mature Caulobacter biofilm expressing cytoplasmic green fluorescent protein (Berne) S. venezuelae FDAA (Hsu) Caulobacter viewed with structural illumination super-resolution microscopy: cell wall=blue, holdfast=red (Berne) Timelapse of Caulobacter cells growing in nanochannels. Cells expressing cytoplasmic DsRed and IbpA-YFP (Kysela) Parvularcula lutaonensis TEM (Randich) Darkfield microscopy image of bacterial microarray (Kysela) PG ring in intracellular Chlamydia cells (Hsu) Caulobacter in lines on glass cover slip, scanning electron micrograph(Berne) Caulobacter cells=blue, inclusion bodies=yellow, SpmX=red (Kysela) Caulobacter crescentus (Brun) Asticcacaulis ac460 (Randich) Caulobacter biofilm gradient (Berne) Bacillus subtilis growth in one nanochannel. Cytoplasm expressing red fluorescent mCherry, lineage tracked in yellow. (Kysela) Streptomyces venezuelae FDAA (Hsu) Asticcacaulis biprosthecum cells, membrane=red (Jacq) B.subtilis Virtual time-lapse labeling division sites (Hsu) Mature Caulobacter biofilm showing live=green and dead=red cells (Berne) Streptomyces venezuelae Rotor FDAA (Hsu) Chamydia PG staining S. venezuelae FDAA (Hsu) Bacterial microarray images of multiple Caulobacter mutants expressing cytoplasmic CFP, IbpA-YFP, and mCherry-SpmX (Kysela) Dividing Caulobacter viewed with atomic force microscopy (Berne) Transmission electron micrograph of Caulobacter (Berne) Two asymmetric predivisional cells of Caulobacter attached by their holdfasts Caulobacter microarray experiment on centering image (Kysela) HADA labeling in various species (Hsu) Caulobacter rosette viewed with structural illumination super-resolution microscopy: cell wall=blue, holdfast=red, DNA=green (Berne) Chlamydia FtsZ Ring (Hsu) Mature biofilm of Caulobacter attached to glass coverslip viewed with scanning electron microscope, scale bar=10µm (Berne) Early stage biofilm of Caulobacter attached to glass coverslip viewed with scanning electron microscope, scale bar=1µm (Berne) Bacillus subtilis growing in nanochannel device (cytoplasm=red, motility genes=green) (Kysela). Transmission electron micrograph of Caulobacter cresentus (Berne) Parvularcula lutaonensis-TEM (Randich) Phenylobacterium conjunctum Speed 50X, DNA=red, Vibrio cell=green Fluorescence image of thousands of Caulobacter crescentus cells in a biofilm (Berne) PALM (Jacq) Caulobacter crescentus cell with long stalk viewed with atomic force microscopy (Berne) Mature Caulobacter biofilm at 72 hours of wildtype=red and pilus mutant=green (Berne) Streptomyces venezuelae Rotor FDAA (Hsu) Bactofilin / BacA protein VideosTrailer for La poesie des bacteriesCaulobacter Crescentus cell cycle (Robert Morton)3D rendering inside Caulobacter (Jensen Lab movies)Stalked bacteria – Caulobacter spp. (Jenni Bernard)Explosive cell lysis as a mechanism for the biogenesis of bacterial membrane vesicles and biofilms Science VioMicrobiology Today YouTube ChannelI Contain Multitudes YouTubeChannel